Friday, 1 October 2021

Sustainability Throughout the Entire Life Cycle



From its fossil fuel and water usage, to its carbon impact and product-to-package ratio, flexible packaging's efficiency is environmentally effective. As a leading voice in the sustainable packaging movement, the Flexible Packaging Association has committed significant resources to support flexible packaging's sustainability efforts. Through our ongoing research and initiatives, FPA provides a greater understanding of the environmental advantages and benefits of flexible packaging among consumer product companies, retailers and consumers.

Sustainability Benefits of Flexible Packaging


The use of life cycle assessment tools has shown that flexible packaging usually results in less fossil fuel usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and water use than other formats due to its very light weight (source reduction).


Flexible materials are usually shipped either flat or on a roll like paper towels. This allows a large number of packages to be shipped on a truck, reducing the number of trucks needed for inbound materials versus rigid packaging.


A measure of material efficiency is how much of a product sold to the consumer consists of product and how much of it is packaging by weight. Flexible packaging almost always has a higher product-to-package ratio when compared to other packaging formats.


Value added flexible packaging for food items often contains a barrier layer that extends the shelf life of food, reducing the amount of food waste associated with perishable items.


Flexible packaging offers product protection, keeping products together to reduce spoilage. Additionally, flexible's ability to resist
denting or breakage without spilling contents make it attractive for  e-commerce shipping.


Flexible packaging is lightweight, usually weighing much less than other materials and thereby providing source reduction, which is the top component of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Waste Hierarchy.

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